Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17th,

Is another special day in my book. Today is my Moms birthday! She turns --- today. Ha, She would not want me to tell you how old she is and since today is her birthday, I will comply. My mom also doesn't like pictures, but I found this one of the two of us taken about two years ago. Mom,
First of all I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and I want you to know that I love you very much. Your a great role model and your always there for me and as your daughter I couldn't ask for more. Your the best there is. I thank you for everything you do for me and continue to do for me everyday. I hope that this year is everything you want it to be and that you find growing older isn't as bad as everyone seems to think but that you'll find things get better with age. But remember one thing: I love you!

Happy Birthday mom, I love you!


  1. Happy birthday to your mom!

    Her cake looks yummy!

    AND you two have the same eyes!

  2. Mmm.. that looks yummy! Happy birthday to your mom! :)

  3. happy birthday to your mom, dear! oh boy, you look like sisters!
