To sum it up, you are truly an amazing person and I am so glad I get the privilege to call you my best friend. I really don't know what I would do without you because even a highly paid shrink would get sick of pretending to listen and the poor person wouldn't have enough paper to keep the tic-tac-toe going for long enough to listen to all the things I have to say. In other words, thanks for keeping me sane, and thanks for just being, well, you.
Happy Birthday Girl.
I hope this year is just as good if not better than any others. And I also hope to always have you as a friend and that the memories as well as our friendship continues to grow.
I also want you to keep in mind that I am not that great in words and that this post does not even begin to explain how truly thankful I am to have you in my life. I could never express how thankful I am or how much I appreciate you.
-Much love, Dea.
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