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First of all, Thank you for being a great dad. You have always been there for me whatever I may need. Your a great person to look to for support and guidance. Although your approach to helping me out may not be what I expected sometimes, you always seem to manage to get me through whatever life throws at me. Your hard work and dedication in any task that you take on has taught me to work hard -no matter how impossible it seems- I can do it. Your an inspiration: your talent with woodworking amazes me and I hope that I can perfect my talent as well as you've perfected yours.Thank you so much for everything you do and continue to do for me, for all the sacrifices and hard work you put into making sure Tony, Dana, and I are provided for. Your the best Dad anyone could ever ask for.
I wish you the best on your birthday and hope this year brings with it everything you could ever imagine.
Happy Birthday Dad, I love you!